PuntoSeguro Blog

¿Protege el sol de enfermedades como la gripe?

Así es como el sol protege el sol de enfermedades como la gripe

Artículos sobre Vida Sana

It seems that the flu is everywhere and we even have the feeling that it is getting stronger and lasts longer. No one wants to be sick and feel terrible for days with runny noses, coughs and various fevers. The virus is out there and we cannot lock ourselves up at home to get rid of it, in fact staying at home could be a mistake.

⇒This may also interest you:  Exercise and vitamin D, a perfect tandem for heart health

So can the sun help keep you healthy during flu season?

It seems that the researchers have evidence that this could be the case. Higher levels of sunlight have been found to be associated with less severe flu seasons. For example, when sunlight levels were 10% higher than normal during the month of September, a three-point drop in the flu rate occurred during that same month. The relationship between sunlight and flu levels is particularly strong during late summer and early fall. This is the only time of year when flu season and sunlight levels are high enough for researchers to look for a link between the two.

⇒Read this too: Can I play sports with a fever?

Vitamin D can get rid of the flu

When ultraviolet radiation from sunlight hits bare skin, it triggers the production of vitamin D in our body. We can also get vitamin D from certain foods, but it’s hard to get enough from dietary sources alone, so researchers have been looking at the benefits of supplements. In recent decades, several research teams have studied the possible effects of vitamin D supplementation on the risk of influenza and other acute respiratory infections.

It is important to find the right balance of exposure to sunlight; since too much exposure to sunlight can increase your chances of developing skin cancer. On the other hand, too little exposure to sunlight can increase your chances of developing vitamin D deficiencies.

Remember, the amount of time you need to spend outside to get enough vitamin D varies from person to person. It depends on a variety of factors, including where you live, the time of year, the weather, and your skin tone. Those who live farther from the equator receive less sun exposure than those who live in tropical areas, putting them at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. Those with darker skin are at higher risk because their skin pigment, melanin, blocks ultraviolet radiation.

Join the #RetoPuntoSeguro

If you want to improve your immune system for the flu season, you can do it by doing some physical exercise daily outdoors and letting the sun help you. Practice some physical exercise and  benefit from all its advantages with the #RetoPuntoSeguro program . In addition to having your daily physical activity under control, you can obtain interesting bonuses when renewing your life or health insurance .

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Escrito por:
Victoria Idoipe

Victoria Idoipe

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Redactora de contenidos freelance certificada (en inglés y español) con más de una década de experiencia. Especializada en redacción de contenidos legales y de finanzas.

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